Top Tips for Public Speaking

Public speaking is a skill that is not just needed in your professional career but it is a life skill that is a necessity. It’s something that every person, no matter what you do, should learn at some part of their life. Some people are born with it, some aren’t and have to develop the skill themselves. Personally I believe I am a good public speaker; I’m confident, clear and concise.  Those are some of the top skills that I believe make someone idea to talk in front of an audience.

So because I’m such a lovely person I’ve decided to share with you what I believe are the top five things that anyone should do when presenting to a client, your boss or whoever you are stood in front of.

Be Confident

This is the main one. If you’re not confident then that will be obvious when you’re talking. A lot of people are born confident, some aren’t and have to work on this. I like to think I was born confident but how I was brought up and my surrounding has made me what I am today. The best thing I can suggest to people is to either practice what you are going to say. Not just in your head but out loud. If you’re in a public place like a train or a bus then mime the words if you don’t want others to hear.

But Not Arrogant

There is a fine line between being confident and being arrogant. It’s hard to describe what being arrogant is but the best way I think I can explain it is don’t think yourself above those who you are speaking to, think of them as equals and show them some respect because like confidence that can be seen a mile off.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Simple but important. I can’t stress this enough. Like I explained before this can help boost confidence but more importantly it’s obvious when someone hasn’t had a run thought of what they are talking about. I’ve fallen victim to this many times before. I use to just waltz into things without practicing and fallen flat on my face. I’ve now started to read through what I am about to say and talk aloud in the car on my way. I look like a mad man but hey, it helps me. Doing this has improved my presentations tenfold and you can tell the difference, I swear!!

Speak Clearly

Well this this obvious. If you don’t speak clearly then your audience won’t here you. Which in turn will prevent you from getting your point across. As well as speaking clearly, speak slowly, for the same reason as the one above.

Listen To Feedback

Feedback can be key, especially when you’re in front of experts in a certain field. Everyone gets feedback, no matter if you’re novice or an expert, be it either positive or negative. It goes to say that everyone likes positive comments when they’ve had to do something, but the more valuable is negative; it tells you where you can improve next time which. Just don’t be too disheartened when it comes, accept it, listen, and act on it.

So if you’re about to give a presentation or speak to an audience then I hope these help and good luck.

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